The Finger Board of Aldermen meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Finger Community Center (934-4677).

Finger’s mayor is Robert Heathcock (934-4678), whose current term expires in 2010.

Finger has six aldermen who serve two-year terms, all of whom come up for election at the same time.  The next election will be in 2008.  The current aldermen are:

    Scott Heathcock
    Rodney Weaver
    Tammy Heathcock
    Sandra Simmons
    Jane Brady


We need someone to cover Finger's town board meeting on the third Monday evening of each month.  If you have reasonable writing skills and a willingness to devote a few hours a month to the cause of keeping your fellow citizens informed about what is going on in local government, please give Guy Townsend a call at 731/645-8173, or email me at  Here's your chance to advance the cause of democracy in McNairy County by making possible the "informed citizenry" which is essential to a functioning democracy.